If you've ever exchanged dollars for euros, you expect the exchange rate to be nearly equal, give or take a few cents. Knowing that, it's easy to see why bitcoin has been so hot lately. The price for one coin has spiked to about $2,900. If you haven't already, now is the time to buy in.
Nixing exchange rate fees is just one of the appeals of a digital currency like bitcoin. Forget intermediaries like credit card companies or PayPal retaining your money in transaction fees. Forget the hassles of converting when you travel—dollars and euros don't matter with this universal currency. Nor does your name, given bitcoin's anonymity, so go for guilty pleasures like $56 worth of cupcakes. This brings up bitcoin's biggest drawback: volatility. The relative novelty and mixed press have caused the value to vary, meaning those delicacies bought in April 2013 for .5896 BTC equated to $800 when BTC soared to 1,000 in December that year.
For the most user-friendly bitcoin experience, consider Coinbase. Like mobile banking, the app lets you buy, sell and check transactions on the go. Coinbase is a hosted wallet, so if you don't want a third party to have access to your money, consider a user-controlled wallet, like Blockchain or Mycelium.
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