They are many words we use interchangeably in English which may sounds right to us but they not...
Here are some of them:
1. Alternatives.
"Wrongly used for 'choices'. If there are two choices, they are properly called 'alternatives'. If there are more than two, they are choices." Bonus language lesson from the Guardian: there are no such thing as alternative facts.
2. Decimate.
This literally it means "killing one in 10," but it's OK to use it to indicate a huge loss. However, "to say 'completely decimated' or 'decimated as much as half the town' simply will not do," sniffs the paper.
3. Dilemma.
"Confused with 'problem'. If you have a problem, you do not know what to do. There may be many solutions. If you have a dilemma, you have a choice of two courses of action, neither attractive."
4. Disinterested/Uninterested.
Uninterested means you couldn't care less. Disinterested means you're objective, not biased.
5. Forego/Forgo.
"Forego means 'to go before in time or place' ... To forgo is to give up or relinquish."
6. Inflammable/Flammable.
You might see the prefix "in" and guess that "inflammable" means that something won't catch fire. That's eems sensible, but unfortunately it's wrong. "The two words mean the same," says The Guardian.
7. Prescribe/Proscribe.
"Opposite meanings. An action or product that is proscribed by authority is banned. A 'prescription' is advised, recommended."
8. Skeptic/Denier.
Another sadly useful distinction in our current times. "The skeptic questions the evidence; the denier flatly rejects it."
9. Viable/Feasible.
"'Viable' means capable of independent life - a viable fetus or seed or, figuratively, in the sense of 'capable of succeeding', a candidate. 'Feasible' means 'capable of being done, accomplished' - a feasible plan."
10. Virtually.
"Incorrectly used to mean 'nearly all'; eg: 'Virtually all the chocolates were eaten.' 'Virtually' is useful for an imprecise description that is more or less right, close enough, as good as. 'He's virtually the manager.' He does not have the title, but he manages the business."
And so on.......
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