How to find your saved Smart Folders in the Finder

An image of a finder app

Smart Folders are a terrifically powerful and underused tool in the Finder. Select
File > New Smart Folder, and you can create a set of criteria that produce the results right in the window for actions that include selection and deletion.
However, when you save a Smart Folder if you opt to leave it out of the Finder sidebar, it’s dropped by default into a Saved Searches folder. That folder isn’t linked by default anywhere. If you remember the name, a Spotlight search can find it again.

Image of a folder in a finder app
The Saved Searches folder contains all your smart folder settings.

But you can also reach it by path:

1. In the Finder, choose Go > Go To Folder.

2. Enter ~/Library/Saved Searches

And there you are! You can double-click any item in that special directory. To modify the smart folder, click the actions (gear) menu and then Show Search Criteria. Save the changes by clicking the Save button.
