Here are some good ways to drive traffic to your store
1. Social influencer/Celebrities
Getting people who are well known on social network with thousands of followers both facebook, twitter and instagram to advertise your site can go a long way to boast your sales. It will only require a little token to do so or even free for some that are willing to help you.
2. Write good description of products with image attached
Product descriptions with image is 90% more likely to deliver a big quite amount of traffics than the one without image. So while writing your product descriptions make sure to attach image of the products.
3. Socialize your site
Social site like facebook, Twitter and instagram etc. Plays an important roles in driving huge traffics to sites, so tap into this communities by creating different pages for your site and increase your followers. If You were able to build up a large customers base on those platforms it is an everlasting gold mine.
4. Use Hashtag
This is for sites like Twitter and more, all you have to do is to search for trending hash tags and add them to your product descriptions, it will surly expose them to more potential customers.
5. Google adword
This is a paid ads service provided by google, if you have the budget for this services surly it will help generate a good traffics to your site meanwhile you only pay for each real clicks only.
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