Beast Of The Night {Final episode}

Incase you have been missing out start from Episode 1 to follow up: THE BEAST OF THE NIGHT {episode 1}

..........‘’Son we have to escape from here’’ She said. ‘’Mother what of jim? We have to save jim, mother’’ Tom pleaded with his mother. He freed himself from her and dashed
into the kitchen he drew and broke a wooden box at the corner of the kitchen and a revolver felled out, he picked it up and handed it over to his mother ‘’I found it in the forest the other day’’. Emily rushed into the room but could not differentiate between jim and the beast, one was on the floor and one sank its teethes on the other. ‘’Mother fire!! the beast will kill jim’’…….. phuh! Phuh! Phuh!.  The beast dances backward and the other bounced on it and both crashed out of the house into the wet street. Jim staggered down the street in a way to leave but collapsed…. Tom and his mother rushed and carried him back into the house, there was injuries and bleeding over its body. ‘’ Am sorry jim’’ Tom cries out, while his mother tried as much as she could to dry up the wounds and applied some medicine to it.

Finally Morning came and people of the city started gathering, Emily woke up near jim and could see people peeping into the half collapsed house, she stepped out and people were curiously looking at her. ‘’ you killed him?’’ ‘’What happened?’’ people asked her, She walked towards the body on the ground in silent and saw “Monky-tails’’ body. ‘’ He is the beast!!’’ she said pointing at the dead body and the people screamed in excitement. Jubilation erupted in the town with lots of hugging, ‘’finally’’ they said in excitement and party was thrown all over the city.

Emily has never had this kind of terrifying experience before, After receiving a horse cart as gift from people of the city, She packed up and left Bashan with jim and Tom like a hero that saved the last of humanity [The End]

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