Archer [Princess of Tarma] Episode 2

Read Archer [Princess of Tarma]Episode 1 to follow up: Princess Of Tarma {EPISODE 1}

Everybody was  swimming but suddenly a royal call was made that princess is here, everybody ran out of the water except Archer , he dived inside the water and hold his breath below the water.... Princess stepped into the water and all her guard seen all is cleared left her. She tried to swim but was bored  ''i hate this water'' she shouted. Archer swims up  ''Allow me beautiful princess and i will make your day'' he shouted excitedly ... He gets hold of Princess hands and take her around the water, allowing her legs to float on water while he peddles the movement. Princess asked him, his name ''Archer'' he quickly replied.[princess smiles] . ''i never seen you smile before....... it looks harmless ........... you always seems a goddess to the people of the city...... why are you not good to them? What if war comes someday will they have the love to defend
the city and the king your father?"

Princess was shocked by the too many questions from Archer. She separated her hands from Archers and left the water and the guards come quickly with her clothes only to see Archer in the water, they went after him and he swims off the other side of the water and took off. His friends were terrified when they heard the incident.

Archer has been summoned to the palace for punishment, he is been hold by two palace guards.
“Archer you have been accused of swimming in same water with princess which is a serious offence, is it true? “ “Yes” answered Archer, looking straight into princess eyes.
“Pass your judgement and punishment my daughter, whatever you say will be executed’’ instructed the king.
Princess looked at him for while and said “Let him go”. Everybody was surprised at her judgement . Archer gets up and left the palace with all smiles and met her mother in tears, she rushed and gave him a big hug, “thank God you are safe my son’’ she happily said. ’’Do not worry mum am too strong to die young’’ Archer boasted.

[After 3days] Kabor rushed into where Archer was lying on the wooden bed “Princess is coming”. Archer nearly jumped out of his skin…. He dressed up immediately and to almost collide with Hermonie at the entrance, there was a little silent for a while before Hermonie said ’’ hi’’ with a smile, Archer welcomed her. [Start of Archer and Hermonie friendship]

Archer was given free access to the palace and Hermonie changed from been strict to a caring young lady...........

Will Archer be the Prince of Tarma? READ: ARCHER [THE THRONE] EPISODE 3
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